Our team of Vets and Nurses are the backbone of Fleurieu Veterinary Centre and will treat your pet as if it were their own, when in our care.  Take a minute to meet the team and be sure to say G'day when you are next in clinic!


Brendan Sinnott

Veterinarian & Practice Owner (BSc, BVSc, MANZCVS (Small Animal Surgery))

Hi, I’m Dr. Brendan. I’m the owner of Fleurieu Veterinary Centre. I’ve been a Vet since 2009, have travelled the world and worked in multiple countries since then.

I live in Kangarilla with my wife (also a vet), 3 kids and multitude of animals (including 2 x dogs, a cat, 2 x mini goats, 3 x alpacas, countless chickens and enough sheep to keep the grass down).

I love all things surgical (having gained my surgical membership through the ANZCVS in 2015) and thoroughly enjoy a good laugh, a dark coffee and making bad jokes – something I try to do every day.

Jordan Wainwright

Veterinarian (BSc (Vet Bio), DVM)


My name is Jordan and I graduated from The University of Adelaide in 2020. I’ve done primarily mixed animal practice but have developed a special interest in everything small animal surgery, especially orthopaedics. I don’t have any pets of my own but I love spending time working with people and developing treatments plans that work for the patient and the client. 
In my free time I love hiking, diving and camping. My future plans include doing a lap of Australia and continuing my education in small animal surgery. 

Alisha Gilmore


Michele Goh

Veterinarian (BVSc)

Alisha Gilmore


Tara Gillis


Emily Reilly

Registered Veterinary Nurse & Practice Manager (Veterinary Nurse Cert IV)

Hi, my name is Emily. I have been working as a Veterinary Nurse since 2013. I have a specific interest in surgery, especially orthopaedic procedures. I have a passion for management and ensuring everyone within the clinic enjoys coming to work every day. I know I do! I make sure the clinic runs as smoothly as possible and enjoy developing the staff's special interests.

I have a husband, step-daughter and daughter who keep me busy at home. Along with our Border Collie Grundy, 2 x cats - Micky and Minnie, rainbow lorikeet – Rainbro and a horse named Mya.

My biggest challenge is keeping Dr. Brendan on track each day. He does love to talk!

Abigail Dingwall



My name is Abigail, and I graduated from James Cook University in 2024. I was born and raised in Cairns before moving to Townsville to complete university. Although my family all live in Queensland, I decided to experience a whole new adventure and move states. I have no pets of my own, but I absolutely love our family border collie, Rex.

I’m passionate about building relationships and finding the treatment options that work best for the whole family (because the fur babies are family too). In my free time, I’m almost guaranteed to be curled up with a strong coffee and a good book.

Kahyl Sutherland

Registered Veterinary Nurse (Certificate IV)

Hi, my mane is Kahyl. I am a fully qualified Veterinary Nurse, having started my training in 2014 and gaining my qualification in 2018.

I am a mother of Leo (2yr) and 3 fur babies (Ella 7yr, Maxi 8yr & KitKat 3yr).

In my spare time I like to go camping with the family and enjoy a nice dinner at home, and entertaining an energetic toddler!

I am passionate about working with animals.  I love recovering them after surgery and have a particular interest in their post-operative care. I also love working on reception shifts, meeting and talking with clients and getting to say hello to all the animals that walk in the door.

Jesse Thiele

Head Nurse (Certificate IV)

Hi, I’m Jesse. As well as being a qualified Cert IV Vet Nurse I am also an Equine Myofunctional Massage Therapist. I graduated in 2016 but have been nursing since 2010. I have a special interest in animal behavior and exotic animals (birds and reptiles).

I am most recognizable by my ever-changing hair colour! I am a mother to Tracie (toddler), and several fur babies including 3 x horses, 2 x dogs, 2 x cats, 5 x birds and MANY house plants.

In my spare time I’m often out riding, racing cars, crafting or gardening. Working with animals is the best job in the world. I love each pet as if it were my own and I look forward to new patients every day!

Cindy Epps

Registered Veterinary Nurse (Certificate IV)

Hi, my name is Cindy and I have been in the Veterinary industry since December 1989. I qualified as a Veterinary Nurse in 1995 and have enjoyed every minute of my career.

I am married and we have two beautiful daughters, 16 & 19, and live locally. I have 2 Burmese cats and 2 VERY energetic dogs (Ferris and Sloan) that love their 1.5 hour walks every day. I also have an array of birds including cockatiels, rainbow lorikeets, a budgie and a canary called Steven! I’ve hand-raised kittens, possums, a large variety of baby birds over the years but the greatest reward I get is the trust that is given to me by pet owners to look after their beloved family members.

I must add that I really enjoy welcoming and caring for new patients and families to our Centre.

I do enjoy Dr. Brendan’s bad jokes but always aspire to come up with better ones!

Alishia Walker

Head Nurse (Certificate IV)

Hello, my name is Alishia and I am a fully qualified Vet Nurse. I have been nursing since 2015.

I have a wide variety of animals at home including cats, horses, a dog and even a magpie but you will commonly hear my talk mostly about my two cats Fluff and Kit, and two horses Jeorge and Bentley.

When I’m not working I spend the majority of my time training and riding horses of all ages and abilities, and teaching others how to do the same.

I love taking care of our surgical patients or those that are in hospital when they are unwell. I occasionally hand rear kittens and love them until they find their forever homes.

My favourite part of being a Vet Nurse is seeing an unwell patient be discharged and go back to their families, well, recovered and happy again.

Paige Johnson

Registered Veterinary Nurse (Certificate IV)

Hey! My name is Paige. I’m a Veterinary Nurse and graduated in 2018 after starting my nursing career in 2014.

I am a mother to Paisley (nearly 2 years old), and 2 x fur babies (Conan – a Burmese, and Little One - a hand raised domestic long haired cat).

In my spare time I like to explore the coast line and go to the beach whenever I can.

My passion, since I was very young, was always to look after animals – so this has always been my dream job! I have a special interest in feline medicine and enjoy working out front on reception where I get to meet lovely new clients like you!

Tash Hansen

Registered Veterinary Nurse (Certificate IV)

Hi, my name is Tash and I am a qualified veterinary nurse. 

I started my career in Queensland, 2015 however left after a few years to travel and relocate. I came back into the profession permanently in 2020 and absolutely love my job. 


I am and always will be a Queenslander however i moved to SA in 2018 for love, i now have a little daughter and step son and love it here in SA, apart from the cold! Still trying to get used to that. LOL

I have a 6 year old Kelpie and 4 year old Bearded Dragon at home. 

You will often see me walking down the beach with my dog and baby however i also love a good bush or forest walk. I enjoy going for walks, horse riding and weekend drives to explore new places. 

I have a passion for surgical nursing but also love a good dog and cat cuddle, there is nothing like the unconditional love animals give you. 


Rebecca Whittle

Trainee Veterinary Nurse

Hi, i’m Rebecca! 

I’ve been working at the Fleurieu Veterinary Centre since April 2024, right after I finished school and turned 18. 

During high school I completed a Certificate 3 in Rural operations and spent lots of my time gaining experience at sheep and alpaca farms, other clinics, and volunteering for the RSPCA. I’m currently studying a Certificate lV in Veterinary Nursing whilst working at the clinic. 

I’m a fur mum to three fur-babies, Cooper my German Shepherd, Diesel my Jack Russell, and China my lop-eared bun. My favourite part of the job is caring and comforting other people's fur-babies like they were my own. 

Tristen Farrow

Trainee Veterinary Nurse

Hi, I’m Tristen.

I’m a trainee Veterinary Nurse with just one year left in my course. With over three years of experience in the veterinary industry, I’m passionate about providing top-quality care to animals and supporting their owners.


I have a special soft spot for dachshunds, especially my own little boy, Odin. Whether it’s assisting in treatments, offering comfort to pets, or learning new skills to enhance patient care, I’m committed to making a difference in every furry friend’s life.

Bianca Tablot

Registered Veterinary Nurse (Veterinary Nurse Cert IV)

Hi, my name is Bianca.

I am a fully qualified Vet Nurse, having started my training in 2014 and gaining my qualifications in 2017.

I am a fur-mum to 4 horses, a dog (Rodney) and a cat (Django).

I have always worked with animals and being a Vet Nurse is by far the most rewarding job for me. In my spare time I like to go horse-riding, camping, hiking and exploring new places.

I thrive in a surgical role and love taking care of all animals when they are admitted for any kind of medical or surgical treatment. The best feeling is when you see the patient going home to their family afterwards, healthy and well!

Mikayla Donk

Registered Veterinary Nurse (Certificate IV)

Hello! I’m Mikayla, I started working as a vet nurse in 2018 and completed my Cert IV qualification in 2019. 


I share a home with 4 cats, Pippin (pictured), Nimbus, Aspen and Hugo and have been known to take the occasional bird home from work to care for.


I also have a keen interest in wildlife and in my spare time I am studying a Cert III in conservation and ecosystem management and am involved as a volunteer for various organisations. I also love to travel and spent 2 years driving around Australia in my humble little van.


As a vet nurse, I am passionate about fear free handling. Seeing animals that are still trusting of us and happy to come into the clinic after spending some time in hospital is the most rewarding part of my job. 

Emma Abroe

Registered Veterinary Nurse (Certificate IV)

Hey my name’s Emma :) 

I am a fully qualified vet nurse, having started nursing back in 2017. 

I have quite the menagerie at home. My two cats Ollie and Tibbs, my little fluffy dog Rosie and my sassy rabbit Pancake. 

When they aren’t keeping me busy I have a toddler and husband who do a pretty good job. 

I have always loved animals and have such a soft spot for the oldies - especially any that look like my Rosie :) 

I love to be involved in patient care and helping answer enquires on the phone. You’ll often hear my laugh before you see me. 

I love making connections with clients and seeing the patients go home feeling better. 

In my spare time, you’ll find me buried in a book or doing something arty! 

Sophie Ager

Trainee Veterinary Nurse (Cert II Animal Studies)

Hi, my name is Sophie. I began my career in Vet Nursing in February 2022 after working in various administrative roles. I am originally from the UK, but moved to Australia in 2008 with my family. I love to travel and have been to over 15 countries, my favourites being Scotland and Italy!

I developed an interest in the animal industry prior to completing my Cert II in Animal Studies and am fortunate to be able to pursue my career as a vet nurse with Fleurieu Veterinary Centre.

I’m eager to learn as much as I can from the qualified vet nurses and Vets in clinic as well as commencing my studies in the near future.

Maddi Moloney

Trainee Veterinary Nurse

I'm Maddi and I started working at Fleurieu Veterinary Centre in October 2022 straight after high school. I've now started my Veterinary Nurse training. I'm a cat Mum to my fur baby Winnie. My friends say that I'm a bit of a crazy cat lady! I also live with my family pets Monty & Phoenix (dogs) and Bubbles (cat). In my spare time I love exploring new places with friends and family and particularly love spending warm days at the beach.

Since I was a kid I've always imagined myself working with animals and couldn't imagine myself in another position. My favourite part of the day is caring for post-operative patients and building relationships with each pet. I look forward to learning more new things throughout my training and can't wait to see what the future holds for my career.

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